
Medscina Health

CBD products can offer benefits for a wide range of conditions common to older adults, but you need to know what to look for.

Medscina Health is a group of people with a singular focus - to offer quality, organic CBD products. Our name is a combination of Medicine / Science / Nature – which says it all. Our products originate from USDA-Certified Organic hemp & are processed in our lab to ensure the highest quality organic CBD options for several common maladies.

Hear From Pain Management Specialist, Dr. Jorge Roig

CBD for Older Adults

Many older adults are leery of any product with anything resembling “cannabis” in the name due to the longstanding federal prejudice against it. Marijuana was largely introduced in the early 1900s from south of the border, and became associated with immigrants, who triggered fear and prejudice that was conferred on the cannabis they brought into the States. These feelings intensified during the Great Depression (Frontline, n.d.). However, that attitude is finally changing as many states have legalized marijuana, especially for medical use. As these changes occur, older Americans are realizing that there is no harm, and a lot of potential good, in trying pot’s non-psychoactive cousin.

Among Americans sixty-five years and older, 20 percent said they had tried CBD oil in a January 2019 Consumer Reports survey, up from 14 percent a year earlier (Gill, 2020). That number is growing as there are more ways now than ever to introduce CBD into a daily regimen. Two basic routes of use exist: topical application (creams, salves, patches, roll-ons, bath bombs, etc.) and ingestible options (oils, gummies, capsules, infused drinks, etc.). Joint and muscle pain are typically treated with topical CBD products. Insomnia, anxiety, and more severe, chronic pain are typically treated with ingestible CBD products. There are enough options to allow individuals to find the intake option that works best for them. CBD also is available through a vaporized liquid. As long-term effects from vaping are not known, this method of CBD use is strongly discouraged.

CBD use may cause unexpected interaction with other drugs commonly used by older adults. These drugs with potential interactions range from liver medications to blood thinners, according to Harvard Medical. The best course of action is always to consult your primary care physician to understand potential drug interactions (Bykov, 2021).

Starting Your CBD Journey

While CBD has been used for thousands of years as a natural healing agent dating back to 2737 BC in China (Cadena, 2019) we are just now beginning to see its widespread use in the United States. The first step for those interested in utilizing CBD’s natural healing is speaking with their doctor. The medical community is now more open to discussing non-pharmaceutical options to manage common ailments. For instance, in the resources section of this article there is a series of videos created by Dr. Sanjay Gupta that are highly informative.

Once older adults have discussed CBD as an option with their doctor, they need to determine what they want to address with CBD and the most effective way to address those particular issue(s). Perhaps they have rheumatoid arthritis in their hands. With a little reading, they’ll learn that the most effective way to address this pain is with a concentrated salve. If they’d like to have a great night’s sleep, they’ll learn that a CBD-infused gummy before bed can work wonders. If it’s joint pain that challenges their day, some lotion in the morning on problem areas can make their day far more livable.

The next step is to monitor how the product is working. It’s a good idea for patients to keep a record of how a particular product makes them feel and how long it takes to work. Each of us is different, so the effects of CBD vary among individuals.

Whatever an older adult’s ailment is, the first step to getting help from CBD is with knowledge and understanding. CBD is an incredible non-pharmaceutical option to manage everyday issues and enhance quality of life. By taking the time to understand what CBD is and how it acts in the body, it’s possible to come up with a natural solution to persistent health problems.